About this Website

The Purpose of this Website

…is to report on the proposed new development of the Suffolk Coastal District Council (previous) HQ & Offices at Melton Hill Woodbridge Suffolk. To keep the general public and local residents informed on the latest developments. To offer contact information about the organisations involved in the proposed development. To encourage discussion, for people to make their own minds up about any details of the proposal. To provide outline nformation on how to object to any elements of the planning application that do not comply with the Suffolk Coastal District Councils own Local Plan /Core Strategy & Development Management Policies: SCDC Local Plan PDF Document

This website will aim to offer up-to-date information regarding this development – in particular: any news items, reports and any public exhibitions organised by JTP (JTP are the ‘Community Planners’ engaged by the Developer to liaise with the local community and SCDC planning officers).

Any news and reports will be supplied with website links to JTPs own public information where possible. Also website links to any reports posted by the East Anglian Daily Times or its sister publication The Evening Star.



  1. You are encouraged to review the proposed development documents at JTPs website: JTP Website Here
  2. You are encourage to contact your local councillor, planning department for further information: Contact Info Here



Use the ‘comments forms’ on any of the News Pages: News Items …you will need to incude your contact information.