Woodbridge ‘Car Free’ Flats development proposal for former SCDC Offices
Detailed proposals have been unveiled for a ‘car-free’ housing development to replace the former headquarters of Suffolk Coastal District Council in Woodbridge – revealed at a pre-planning application exhibition held in the Woodbridge Primary School Tuesday 18th April 2017.
On show for the first time (after a 12 month gap from the previous ‘Malting Style’ proposals held in April 2016) just before the planning application will be submitted, the developers have changed the councils proposal for the 67 home site to London-style ‘blocks of flats’ numbering x 110 units – a third of which conform to district affordable housing policy.
JTP (appointed by the Developer) partner Charles Campion said: “We wanted to show the community plans in advance of an application. Many took the time and effort to attend the community planning weekend, and it’s good to see a lot of those people return to be taken through the proposal…” (Ref. Evening Star)
Artist Impression ‘Pre-Planning’ JTP Document: Read/Download
Full JTP ‘Pre-planning’ documents and drawings can be found here: Read More
PARKING: Although the proposals are touted as ‘car free’ there will be ‘underground parking’ for x 110 cars? Only x 1 space per unit (no provision for visitor cars or additional family member cars – not confirmed until final planning application is submitted). Undoubtedly this causes concern for ‘overflow cars’ being pushed into neighbouring roads, further adding to the already heavily congested Melton Hill area; with an additional proposed pedestrian link into neighbouring residential areas the existing residents will see their amenities being threatened and possibly an endless misery of finding a space to park returning home from work. On a positive note it may be seen as a welcomed ‘green policy’ but in reality will the new families moving into their apartments abandon their cars?
CAR POLLUTION AT DANGEROUS LEVELS: it has also been pointed out there is an ongoing car pollution study conducted by the council which shows car pollution levels a short 2 minute walk away from the new development are already above maximum levels accepted by the Government (junction leading to Thoroughfare, Lime Kiln Quay Road, and St. John’s Street):-
Carol Poulter (Council head of green environment) said in the most recent report confirmed air quality in Woodbridge at the junction of Lime Kiln/Thoroughfare remained above the acceptable levels set by Government. “Levels within the AQMAs at Woodbridge are still either at, or above the acceptable levels set by Government, so work does need to continue at these locations.”
- The report can be found at suffolkcoastal.gov.uk >> Click Here
- Alternatively, paper copies are available at the Melton Hill council offices for viewing, or to borrow short term if requested.
- The final date for return of comments on the ‘pollution reports’ is Friday, April 29 2017
- Comments can be emailed to environment@eastsuffolk.gov.uk
Additional information regarding the consultation can be seen at http://www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/environment/environmental-protection/air-quality/
or posted to Environmental Protection at the Council’s Offices, Melton Hill, Woodbridge IP12 1A